Vantage Development - Port Popowice

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Vantage Development
Vantage Development - Port Popowice
ul. Maślicka, Wrocław
Project Time

Interactive 3D model for this investment is the largest project created by us in Wroclaw. The range of the 3D Diorama is 10 per 10 km.
The history of the object

The project estimates an investment lasting more than 10 years, as a result of which circa 2.5 thousand apartments, modern office spaces, and service facilities will be created. A port pool which should be revitalized in the course of following stages of the investment intends to constitute the heart of the project.

Unique solutions

Due to the magnitude of the investment there was a need to create a vast number of constructions for all planned stages of the project as well as the large area surrounding the city - in this case, basically entire Wrocław with its buildings reaching towards the horizon. Here all available computer graphic technologies have been used, which in an interactive and dynamic manner can present the dense and vast urban development from each and every selected frame position. Additionally, the cityscape changes as does the part of the day, presenting a realistic image of the city at night. The area of the investment, size of the surrounding, its lighting, location near water, modern spatial development design, and unusual architecture of the investment - all of these elements required unique solutions in terms of constructing and optimizing the entire project, on a not yet seen scale.

Sales opportunities

A possibility to present great and multi-stage investments embedded in the image of entire cities has been created. Presenting them in a composition together with the city’s life and times of day. Bringing out their distinctive features and emphasizing the interference in a wide urban landscape.



5interaktywna_makieta_3D_budynek.jpg Duda Development - Diasfera Łódzka
Soho makieta interaktywna 4.png
Vision 5.png
next realisation

Vision Development - Folwark Scheiblera

You have the idea,
we’ll take care of the rest.